Your credit rating and history is a critical component to any real estate transaction, especially when financing is involved. However, understanding what is acceptable to a lender and how to improve your score is often an intimidating and confusing process – one that can significantly delay homeownership.
CreditFirst is a workshop designed to show you how to eliminate credit as a major obstacle to homeownership. During this 90 minute presentation, CreditFirst will focus on how credit relates to the home buying process and the steps you can take to eliminate past credit issues and/or improve your scores for a future purchase.
Topics include how to:
- Build and maintaining a good credit history
- Eliminating past credit issues
- Raising your credit score to the next level
- Financing options for those with marginal credit scores…and more
There is no cost for this workshop.
Credit First is a smart way to begin the home buying and financing process if credit is your concern. Register Today.
NOTE: If you prefer a more detailed outline of the home buying process, the Homeownership Now Event will touch on credit and a great deal more. You can register for the Homeownership Now Event by clicking here.